If you know a Mexican, chances are they like baseball. No, they love baseball. Whereas white people have a myriad of sports to choose from (golf, football, tennis, etc.), Mexicans only have baseball. With over a quarter of players in the MLB from Latin American countries, Mexican's love of baseball is becoming more and more apparent. But what is it about baseball that draws Mexicans to it and why are they so good at it? My only opinion is that baseball is an everyman sport. No expensive equipment and no extravagant playing field make this the obvious choice for a group of young kids who just want to get out and play. Then, a love of baseball is born. Don't think we love baseball and have an influence on it? Baseball's highest paid player is Hispanic (Alex Rodriguez) and the award given to the player who demonstrates the most charitable work in his community is named after a Latin American player (Roberto Clemente). Yes, we have arrived.